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Joining The Singers

Enjoying a night out in Chester

Current vacancies

We are currently looking for additional singers, and have the following vacancies.

Sopranos – 2 singers
Altos – 1 singers
Tenors – 1 singer
Basses – 2 singers

If you would like to sing with us please contact the conductor, Donald Halliday.


Admission to The Singers is by an informal audition.

The audition is relatively straightforward. Prospective singers will be asked to bring and sing a piece of music which they know. This does not have to be difficult or showy – the important thing is that the singer is comfortable with the piece. Singers will also be asked to sightread a piece of choral music and perhaps sing some scales.

Auditions can be held at a mutually convenient time.

If you are successful in the audition you will be asked to join the Singers for a rehearsal weekend. Full membership of the Singers is contingent upon satisfactory attendance and performance at the rehearsals and concert.

  • The Singers is one of the best choirs in the North of England.
  • We rehearse once a month, usually the third Friday evening of most months and the following Saturday morning – see our diary.
  • There is no formal subscription and music is supplied free (but must, of course, be returned). However, singers are encourage to contribute to the running of the choir according to their means.
  • Sometimes, accommodation can be provided free for singers from outwith the area. Singers cover their own travelling costs.

Membership of The Singers includes a commitment to attend all rehearsals and concerts.

The Singers at Rothbury